IOTA Title Image

Occultation of a 12m4 star UCAC4 410-143659 by Triton
on the 5th/6th of Oct 2017 around 23h52 UTC

Observation protocol and how to report

For the upcoming Triton occultation we got from Diana Berard of the LuckyStar project a protocol, how to set up and do the measurement. And also a reporting form, which will facilitate the data collection and further analysis.

The main points in the protocol file how to carry out your observations are as follows:

1) Predictions​ ​and​ ​websites​ ​with​ ​informations
2)​ ​Time​ ​of​ ​observation
3)​ ​Exposure​ ​time​ ​considerations
4)​ ​Field​ ​of​ ​view
5)​ ​Calibrations​ ​images​ ​:​ ​VERY​ ​IMPORTANT
6)​ ​For​ ​Raptor​ ​Merlin​ ​and​ ​Watec​ ​users
7)​ ​Time​ ​synchronization

Here you can find the protocol as a pdf file!

For reporting your observation, Diane has written a template for an observation report. You can get it as a docx file or as an odt file.

Please fill it out after your (hopefully successful) observations and return it to

Here again the last prediction!