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Occultation of UCAC4 397-124680
by 2008OG19, 16th Sept. 2015

Attention! New astrometry shows the track off earth!!!

On the 16th of September 2015, the TNO 2008OG19 may occult the star UCAC4 397-124680 for Europe. The event will take place shortly after sunset, around 19h 18min UTC. The prediction can be found on Felipe Braga-Ribas webpage.

The following finder charts are based on the UCAC4 catalog. Generated by XEPHEM software.

10 min

30 min

1 deg

5 deg

20 deg

40 deg

The magnitude of the star in the V-Band is 15m4. The Rmag is 15m1. The Jmag is 13m9. The Kmag is 13m4 (from Vizier website).

Infos of the occulted star you can find here

Overview of the shadow of 2008OG19 over the world:
Prediction by the RIO team and B. Sicardy,

One of the problems of this observation is the sunset. The sun elevation for European cities at 19h 18min UTC is as follows:

Munich -18.9 deg
Stuttgart -17.2 deg
Frankfurt -17.2 deg
Paris -14.0 deg

Therefore it is not much time on the evening of the occultation, to set the telescope etc..

Bruno Sicardy comments for this occultation:

The orbit of 2008OG19 is poorly defined. Errors up to several thousand kilometers are possible. The error bars are large.

So, unless astrometric updates are issued, this must be considered as an observation "just in case", ie it should not justify long trips and big mobilization.

Note this is a pretty large TNO (> 500 km across) that might have an atmosphere.

New astrometry (12/09/2015) by Francois Colas (Pic du Midi) and the calculation by Julio Camargo show the track off earth! The updated map has been done by Diane Berard. Therefore it is not suggested to do a lot of efforts for this occultation!

Felipe Braga-Ribas says, you could do a "costless" observation. Even the astrometry taken only stars and object in the same field of view does look only a little more promising. So, if you have already an open dome or similar, try it, but without big preparations and efforts....

Just to give the luck a chance....